About The Woman's Network

Our mission is to create a vibrant sisterhood of happy, healthy, holy women by transforming limiting beliefs and supporting each other's journeys.

5 Ways You Can Pause During Your Period 1. Take the day off work Give yourself permission – you’re worth it! 2. Listen to your body’s alchemy What are you hungry for in life? What do you need to let go of to manifest your deepest desires? 3. Pour love into your food As a way…

Look Up: Mindfulness Exercise See life from a bigger perspective with this simple Mindfulness Practice. The Exercise: “Several times a day, deliberately look up. Take a few minutes to really look at the ceiling in rooms, at the tall buildings, at the tops of trees, at roofs, at hills or mountains, and at the sky. See what new…

Just 3 Breaths: Mindfulness Practice Nurture your presence with this simple Mindfulness Practice by empowering yourself with silence. The Exercise: “As many times a day as you are able, give the mind a short rest. For the duration of three breaths ask the inner voices to be silent. It’s like turning off the inner radio or TV for…

Impatience: Mindfulness Practice Notice your impatience by taking time to make time with this simple Mindfulness Practice. Ever notice that you’re always rushing from one thing to another? Do you get angry when someone is driving slowly in front of you? Are you always trying to get ahead, or fear getting left behind? The Exercise: “Become aware of…

Loving Eyes: Mindfulness Practice Open your heart with this simple Mindfulness Practice. The Exercise: “This week, endeavor to look at things and people with loving eyes. Notice any changes that occur in your eyes, face, body, heart/mind, visual field, and focus when you remember to look with loving eyes.” How to Train a Wild Elephant, by Jan Chozen…

Non-dominant hand: Mindfulness Practice Aquire a beginner’s mind with this week’s Mindfulness Practice! The Exercise: “Use your non-dominant hand for some ordinary tasks each day. These could include brushing your teeth, combing your hair, or eating with the non-dominant hand for at least part of each meal. If you’re up for a big challenge, try using the…

5 Minute Find Your Presence Meditation I invite you to make yourself comfortable, sitting on a cushion on the floor or in a straight back chair – in a position that reflects wakefulness and dignity. If it is comfortable for you, I invite you to gently close your eyes and if not create a low…

It is an ancient custom to honor the four directions. I work with the four directions daily to help me maintain my inner sense of balance. It is a reminder of where I am each day (physically and in the bigger sense of my life!) and the importance of keeping in alignment with my inner truth….

10 Badass Women from Herstory Walking the path to freedom can be a difficult journey. There are many obstacles to overcome both inside and outside of ourselves. We want to remind you that there are many badass women who have walked this path before you! Here are some of our favorites badass women from history herstory. 10. Maya Angelou Writer….

  Guided Meditation: Finding your Inner Light   Find a quite place and settle in, perhaps on a cushion on the floor, or a straight back chair. I invite you to gently close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a very dark space. Perhaps you can feel how you are supported by the floor or…

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